Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Life in the Fourth Dimension

Everything is happening all at once. I am me, and I am me, and I am a million different me's, simultaneously, living the same life through different eyes. I want everything in life, and that's a contradiction. Life through paradox is the only way I know how. I am Dorian Gray in Bohemia, a vagabond with a top hat; I am me, and I am me, and I am a million different me's, all circumventing an esoteric core.

"Where are you going?" "What are you doing with your life?" "Choose a life, one life, and live it until your last breath escapes you." I refuse. There is too much to experience and so little time. To live this life right, to see and do everything you can possibly do, you have to be more than one person. I reject singularity, I reject linearity. I am the epicenter from which a million different me's are sprouting. I am the Bohemian, the Dandy, the Rockstar, the Romantic, the Rebel, the Philosopher; I am me, and I am me, and I am a million different me's. Together, I'll live life to the fullest, like people only dream. Stay with me, as I venture down the rabbit hole.

-Bohemian Dandy

"There is no future. There is no past. Do you see? Time is simultaneous, an intricately structured jewel that humans insist on viewing one edge at a time, when the whole design is visible in every facet." - Dr. Manhattan

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